Jindal Naturecure
6 min readJul 17, 2021


11 Times When Poor Digestion May Indicate Something Worse

11 Times When Poor Digestion May Indicate Something Worse

You can have an unhappy existence if you have weak digestion. It can have an impact on your entire well-being as well as your daily activities, leading to problems like anxiety and despair. Even if you attempt to keep track of what you consume, the tiniest of factors might set off a chain reaction.

Because of your gut’s sensitivity, you may find yourself avoiding social situations and eating out for fear of triggering an episode. You must pay attention to your body’s indications and symptoms. There are techniques to improve your digestion and heal your gut.

Some lifestyle adjustments, such as regular bowel motions, can help to balance your gut flora. Did you know that a bad diet and a lack of beneficial bacteria in the stomach can cause some of the health problems that Americans face? Changing your food and lifestyle can make a big difference.


Some people have struggled with bad digestion their entire lives and don’t give it a second thought. It’s become a new normal for them to live with their ailments. You don’t have to live with these problems if you can control them with some lifestyle adjustments.

Here are some signs that you should investigate your bad digestion further.


Your faeces is one of the first and most obvious indications of poor digestive health. Bowel movements come in a variety of sizes, hues, and consistency. It should not, however, be loose and watery, nor should it be an unusual colour.

It’s a symptom of old blood in your digestive tract if your stool is black. If it’s white, however, it’s a clue that something’s wrong with your biliary system. If something does not appear to be normal or typical for you, you should seek medical help, as the biliary system can cause major problems.

Unfortunately, many malignancies can be detected by changes in bowel habits, and the sooner you detect cancer, the better your prospects of recovery. According to a Cleveland Clinic article, having routine colonoscopies can prevent 85 per cent of all colon malignancies.


Did you know that you should have a bowel movement at least once a day? If you don’t pass stool for two days or more, you’re called medically constipated. Many people believe that IBS just refers to loose stools, but it can also refer to IBS-C, which includes constipation.

Unpredictability can be caused by a variety of factors, including a high-stress lifestyle. It’s critical to get rid of any build-up because it might lead to problems like a clogged bowel.


One of the most unrecognisable symptoms of IBS is acid reflux. According to a study, over 40% of persons suffering from this frequent bowel ailment also suffer from acid reflux. The connection between these two disorders is often overlooked, but persons who have anxiety as a result of poor gut health may also have GERD.


It will assist if you can figure out what is causing your mouth to taste bad. It can first come from foods you eat, such as garlic, onions, or other spices. Second, it could be due to an internal issue that has nothing to do with your diet.

A sour or metallic taste, for example, could be the result of digestive problems. Unless you suffer from halitosis, it’s worth looking into this unpleasant taste.


Going to the bathroom is never fun, but it can be excruciating at times. Poor digestion and IBS can cause pain during pooping. If you’re having trouble going to the bathroom after a meal, it’s time to look into it.

The flora in your gut must be balanced. Keeping a meal log can help you figure out what’s causing this. You can keep track of what foods caused your uncomfortable bowel motions whenever you observe them.

You could have a gluten intolerance as well as sensitivities to maize, soy, dairy, and vegetable oils, or your digestion could be harmed by stress. Did you know there’s a link between your gut flora and your mental health?

Many of the nerves between your gut and brain, notably the vagus nerve, are related, according to an article published on Harvard’s medical blog. Though additional research is needed, there is substantial evidence that a poor diet might contribute to anxiety and depression.


You might not associate chronic weariness with your digestion because it is a symptom of numerous disorders. Your digestive system, on the other hand, might have a substantial impact on your energy levels. When you’re dealing with bloating and frequent bowel motions, your resources can be depleted.

Another typical problem with IBS is not getting enough sleep. It can influence your overall energy level if your trips to the bathroom become so frequent that they disrupt your sleep. If you have an irritable gut and are constantly weary, don’t assume there’s something else wrong with your health.


Heart palpitations is a broad phrase that refers to any problems with the heart’s rhythm or pounding. Palpitations happen when the heart beats too rapidly or too slowly, or when it feels like it’s flip-flopping. Heart palpitations can be a side symptom of poor digestion and irritable bowel syndrome, which is surprising.

Anxiety is a common cause of heart palpitations, therefore distinguishing between the two can be difficult. Your heart troubles could, however, be caused by stomach disorders and irritable bowel syndrome. It’s critical to have your heart looked out if it’s performing strangely.


Your digestive system is experiencing an allergic reaction as a result of the meals you’re eating. The drawback is that you’ll have frequent bowel movements, abdominal pain, and won’t obtain the nutrients you need from your food if you do this. Bloating might be caused by all of the inflammation and other chaos in your gut.

A classic approach to detect if your problem is caused by food is to look for it shortly after you eat. Even if you haven’t eaten a substantial meal, your stomach can get inflated, making you feel as though you’ve just finished a feast. A gastroenterologist can rapidly determine whether the bloating is caused by food or IBS, or if it is the result of another disease.


When you have chronic diarrhoea and your body is losing important minerals and electrolytes, it might make you lose your appetite. While you may believe that skipping a few meals can help you lose weight, it is the nutrients that your body requires to grow.

It would be beneficial if you attempted to eat as many meals as possible, as a lack of nourishment can be quite harmful to your health.


Do you have a persistent urge to pee, even if you’ve just urinated? It’s possible that your bowels are the source of your problems. This need isn’t due to a full bladder; instead, you’re experiencing spasms caused by digestive system issues.

Constantly going to the bathroom can disturb your day, and some of these concerns can be alleviated by simply adjusting your food and lifestyle. Nothing is more frustrating than being stuck somewhere and experiencing these feelings, so knowing that you can remedy it gives you a ray of hope.


You probably already know that your bowel movements are one of the most telling signs of poor gut health, but patients with irritable bowel syndrome frequently have diarrhoea. In fact, diarrhoea is so common that you may not have a solid stool most of the time. Many symptoms, such as urgency, frequency, or softer-than-normal faeces, accompany loose stools.


It’s a frightening concept to consider that you’re eating habits and lifestyle could affect your digestion. If you don’t consume the right meals, your body won’t be able to absorb the nutrients it requires, and you won’t be able to keep your system running well.

Conditions like IBS, on the other hand, may have a genetic component, but they can be controlled with lifestyle and dietary adjustments. Poor digestion can affect your stomach and even your brain health, but it can also lead to a slew of other problems throughout your body that should not be overlooked.

What you put in your mouth has a major impact on your overall health. While sugary sweets and carbohydrate-rich foods are wonderful, a diet high in them can make you feel bloated, unhappy, and cause health problems that affect your quality of life.

While there is no treatment for IBS, it can be managed by dietary changes. When you’re free of bloating and pain, you’ll feel so much better.



Jindal Naturecure

Jindal Nature cure Institute (JNI) is a naturopathy hospital which treats patients using drugless regimen. https://jindalnaturecure.in/