10 Natural Remedies to Help Beat Indigestion

Jindal Naturecure
6 min readDec 20, 2021


10 Natural Remedies to Help Beat Indigestion

Indigestion: A Quick Guide

Indigestion is a catch-all phrase describing a generalised sense of discomfort and pain in the upper abdomen. It is not an illness, but rather a set of symptoms that induce pain and a sense of great fullness shortly after eating. Despite the fact that this is a prevalent ailment, how people feel their symptoms differs widely from one person to the next.

This ailment can be a sign of a more serious intestinal problem, so don’t dismiss the symptoms.

Indigestion Signs and Symptoms

One or more of the following symptoms may be present in people with this condition:

1. Feeling full during a meal.

Even if you haven’t eaten your meal, you may begin to feel uncomfortably full. This feeling of satiety might continue for several hours after you eat.

2. Discomfort that lasts long after a meal.

Even if you haven’t eaten a big meal, you may experience discomfort and severe fullness long after your stomach has been emptied.

3. Pain in the upper abdomen.

Between the bottom of your breastbone and your navel, you may experience mild to severe pain in your upper abdominal region.

4. Burning in the upper abdomen.

A burning sensation might occur in conjunction with other symptoms of discomfort. Much of this happens just behind the ribs in the upper abdomen.

5. Bloating

You may have bloating and constipation as a result of a buildup of excess gas, which can be quite unpleasant.

6. Nausea.

It’s possible that you’ll have a persistent urge to vomit. The sensation might occur both before and after eating.

This illness is accompanied by frequent bouts of heartburn and an enduring stomachache, making it difficult to eat well. As a result, your nutritional needs are jeopardised, which can lead to further issues down the road.

Is it necessary for me to see a doctor?

Mild, sporadic symptoms are nothing to be concerned about, and they can be treated with some simple home treatments that we shall discuss later in this article. If you have the following symptoms, you should be concerned about them and make an appointment to visit a doctor:

Loss of appetite, weight loss

Vomiting on a regular basis, with blood in the vomit

Stool, black and tarry

Problems swallowing that are becoming more severe with time

Anaemia can cause fatigue or weakness.

Shortness of breath and throat pain

When you push yourself or are stressed, you may get chest pain.

Indigestion can be caused by a variety of factors.

There are a plethora of possible causes for stomach pain. Many problems may be traced back to dietary and lifestyle decisions; merely cleaning up your diet and reducing stress will alleviate a lot of pain.

The following are the most common causes of stomach upset:

Overeating and eating too quickly are both examples of overeating.

An excessive amount of fatty or oily meals

Too much booze, coffee, or carbonated beverages



Certain medications are prescribed.

This syndrome can sometimes signal the onset of more significant consequences, such as:

Gastritis is stomach irritation.

Peptic ulcers

Celiac illness




Stomach cancer

Intestine blockages

Reduced blood flow to the intestines

Being in this kind of pain can have a big influence on your quality of life; while many people turn to prescription drugs and traditional medical treatments to assist relieve symptoms and alleviate this condition, others prefer to use natural solutions. There are several excellent, natural therapies for treating stomach discomfort and digestive difficulties that have a large following. The natural remedies listed below are provided for your consideration as you look for solutions to the common condition of heartburn and stomachache.

1. Drink more water

We are chronically dehydrated, and few of us consume enough water to keep our bodies functioning properly. To keep tissues moisturised, blood moving properly, and other physiological systems in good functioning order, we require at least three litres every day. You’ll be on your way to greater digestive health if you replace some of your daily beverages with a glass of fresh, clean water.

2. Avoid lying down for extended periods of time

Stomach acid can flow back up into your oesophagus and cause problems with the lining of your mouth, throat, and nose when you’re lying down or reclining. Heartburn is the result of this moving acid, and it is a typical symptom of indigestion. If you must lie down, make a 30-degree angle with your head, neck, and upper back and drink plenty of water to help neutralise stomach acid.

3. Eat or chew on ginger

For people who are suffering from an upset stomach, ginger is a fantastic treatment. The chemicals shoagols and gingerols found in ginger aid to increase stomach contractions, which are necessary for good digestion. Ginger’s chemical components also aid in the reduction of nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea. If you’re using fresh ginger, start small and work your way up to larger amounts as the flavour and spiciness can be overwhelming. It’s also wonderful for aiding good digestion when added to dishes and sauces.

4. Drink apple cider vinegar

The benefits of apple cider vinegar range from better skin and hair to better digestion and weight loss. People all over the world are reporting all of these health benefits, so you owe it to yourself to include it in your regular diet. Sprinkle on salads, dilute in water with stevia for a sour and pleasant drink, or take by the tablespoon if you’re serious about getting rid of your symptoms. You’ll be feeling much better in no time.

5. Chew on mint

Mint can assist to settle the stomach and avoiding vomiting and diarrhoea, in addition to sweetening the breath. It eases discomfort and cramping in the intestines by reducing the occurrence of muscular spasms. A cup of mint tea a day will help to calm your bloated stomach and soothe overactive bowels.

6. Use heat

Warm baths and heating pads will help to calm down your hyperactive stomach. The heat relaxes stiff muscles and relieves tension across your entire abdomen; 20 minutes each day with your heat source will greatly improve your problems.

7. Follow the BRAT diet

It works because bland foods like bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast are high in carbohydrates and fibre. These molecules help to bind your stools together, making them less volatile and watery. These foods are all quite bland, so they won’t upset your stomach or bowels. They also include beneficial nutrients that can aid in the healing and restoration of intestinal health. If you’re having a flare-up of symptoms, do everything you can to stick to the BRAT lifestyle for a few days to see how it affects your health.

8. Avoid tobacco, caffeine, and alcohol

Smoking and drinking irritate the throat, which might result in stomach problems. As a result of all of the extra toxins in the system, a person who has vomited is more likely to develop inflammation and infection. It is advised to avoid smoking and drinking until you feel better if you are suffering indigestion symptoms.

9. Take lime or lemon juice, baking soda, and water

According to some research, combining citrus juice, water, and a pinch of baking soda improves the digestive system’s health. The following elements are included in a good digestive success recipe:

1 Tablespoon lemon or lime juice

1 tsp baking soda

8 oz fresh water

Drink daily for the best results.

10. Eat or drink cinnamon

Cinnamon is high in antioxidants, which can aid to relieve irritation and inflammation in the throat, oesophagus, and stomach lining. Other strong components found in cinnamon have been shown to help with gas, bloating, cramps and other stomach upset symptoms. You can make a calming tea by boiling cinnamon sticks in water. Alternatively, for calming, effective relief from symptoms, sprinkle at least a teaspoon daily over foods.

Last Thoughts: Improving the quality of life by reducing indigestion symptoms

While these methods may not be able to cure all of your digestive system’s problems, attempting to alleviate and lessen symptoms on a regular basis will help you improve your health and quality of life. Follow these measures for a happier life and a healthier stomach!



Jindal Naturecure

Jindal Nature cure Institute (JNI) is a naturopathy hospital which treats patients using drugless regimen. https://jindalnaturecure.in/